Coach Trosky gives an In-Depth Play Breakdown where he goes beyond basic footwork to delve into the nuances of the 36 specific plays broken down into 12 different footwork Sequences. Understanding these intricate details will transform your infield performance. This course comes with the following:
Infield Mastery Video Series #1 is the perfect footwork for 12 of the 36 plays elite infielders will have to make. This footwork series is for youth infielders through advanced infielders. The Infield Mastery footwork series provides a detailed video demo of how to move for these twelve plays. This demo includes work on each play without a ball, into the “Infield Dance” without a ball, into the footwork and description of how to feed the infielder with a proper feed.
Routine Ground Ball
Lateral Left
Lateral Right
Field Through
Drop Step
Sweeping Backhand and More!!
Infield Mastery Video Series #2 is the perfect footwork for 13 to 24 of the 36 plays elite infielders will have to make. This detailed Instructional Video breaks down infield footwork that can be done ANYWHERE!!! This footwork series is for youth infielders through advanced infielders. The Infield Mastery footwork series provides a detailed video demo of how to move for these twelve plays. This demo includes work on each play without a ball, into the “Infield Dance” without a ball, into the footwork and description of how to feed the infielder with a proper feed.
Slow Rollers
Crossover Backhand
Drop Step Backhand
Come and Get It
Hinge Step Back Backhand and More!!
Infield Mastery Video Series #3 is the perfect footwork for 13 to 24 of the 36 plays elite infielders will have to make. This detailed Instructional Video breaks down infield footwork that can be done ANYWHERE!!! This footwork series is for youth infielders through advanced infielders. The Infield Mastery footwork series provides a detailed video demo of how to move for these twelve plays. This demo includes work on each play without a ball, into the “Infield Dance” without a ball, into the footwork and description of how to feed the infielder with a proper feed.
Routine Cut the Distance
Rake Through Backhand
Chopper Come and Get It
Do or Die Come and Get It
Chopper Sit Back and More!!
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